Sometimes everything seems like a big lie. Why is it this way? Why not the other way? Why is it important? What does it have to do with me? We often have questions over questions and no answers or no one to answer our questions. No one to lead us and no one to open the path for us. We feel lonely and confused, and mostly empty, not wanting to do anything, to finish something. Or we even do not want to begin something. We feel like a stranger to everyone. We are not sure if it is the truth that we see. We often do not know what to do. We tried everything to understand life and ourselves. But couldn't it just be that we used the wrong way in doing so? What if we have to change our way of finding answers? That could be the reason, right? So, I'm saying that we should search in our hearts. We just have to open our hearts to see the truth. If we want to see more than what we only see through our eyes, we have to see with our hearts. But if w...