Yâ Rabbi, I'm scared. I'm scared of my own heart. I don't want to think about anyone. I just have found you. Again. But this time I won't let go of you. Don't let me go either. I just have freed my heart and opened the doors so that I could breathe again. Yâ Allâh, you're the only one whom my heart belongs to. You created me and the whole universum. All lives belong to you and so do each heart too. I know that you can lead each heart. Don't let bad thoughts find me. I don't want to get into depression because of some mortal feelings anymore. I know that this dunya is a test for us. I want to graduate with ease from it. I don't want my heart to cry anymore. I know that your mercy is the only thing I need. Yâ Allâh, protect my heart for i only trust the everlasting you whom my whole life belongs to. ~03.05.2017 I just found this old writing in my notes which i wanted to share.~