There is a world inside of me
I cannot describe nor give shape to.
Is it a calm world or a loud one?
Is it full of brightness or
did darkness cover all of its places?
How many places does it even have?
There is a world I want to discover
but I don't know where I have to start
nor do I know where I have to come back to.
Is it possible to come back without losing myself?
I don't have a map nor do I have the equipment.
I'm empty-handed.
No one can know about it but me.
No one can feel it but me.

Sometimes there is rain and other times
there is nothing but sunshine
but the latter won't last long.
Well, it didn't till today.
There is a world full of adventures and magic,
a world full of emotions and sensations.
A world full of me, yet far away from me.
It's a world in the deepest corners of myself,
no rational human being would ever dare to go there.
It's too deep in there.
Many things I lost there I cannot find again.
Picture credits: Pinterest