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A Soulmate

Even the thought of me having a soulmate is dreamlike.. 

An incredible dream.. 

Well is, there someone like a soulmate? 
Just the thought for him to exist somewhere in this world is heart warming.. 

Will I ever meet him? My soulmate? 
If I have one.. 

How beautiful it must be to have someone whose soul is familiar to yours.. 

To have someone who thinks and feels the same way as you.. 

How amazing it must feel.. 

Will I ever meet you? 
Are you there? 
Can you find me? 

Even if I'm hiding from the world? 
What's meant to be will be, right? 

But do I still have to search for you?
What if I miss you out of the crowd.. 
What if I won't recognize you? 

Would you be mad? 
Would I be broken? 

If this is gonna happen then I hope for you that you don't exist.. 

Because I couldn't endure not meeting you..

Stay well, my goodnight dream


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